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5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home

5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home

5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home

Tulsi, or Tulasi, is formally known as Ocimum tenuiflorum and belongs to the botanical family Lamiaceae (the mint family). Also known as ‘Holy basil’, this ancient aromatic medicinal herb has hundreds of different popular names in local Indian languages. Tulsi is a perennial, tall shrub; its leaves and every other plant part are filled with fragrant essential oils. Tulsi is so vital in Hinduism that every Hindu household has a Tulsi plant in their home. The plant is best planted in the front yard in traditional ‘Tulsi Vrindavana’, where it is adored every day.

There are two primary varieties of Tulsi: the green-leaved ‘Sri-Tulsi’ and the dark purple-leaved ‘Krishna Tulsi’.

The medicinal benefits of Tulsi are so ubiquitous that practically every Indian household knows how to utilize it. Tulsi juice is provided to promote appetite; Tulsi extract is given for stomach discomfort;


5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home
5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home


Dry Tulsi leaf powder is useful for coughs and colds.

Tulsi juice is also typically used for skin disorders. Tulsi is believed to detoxify the surrounding air. Nowadays, multiple Tulsi plants are cultivated together in an ‘Oxygen Corner’ in a garden.

A species of tulsi is also planted commercially on farmlands to obtain fragrant oil. This oil is utilized in perfumes, cosmetics, and herbal items.

Steps for growing Tulsi:

Tulsi is grown by the seed-sowing technique.

You may buy Tulsi seeds, or they are also easy to collect from the blooming spikes of an old Tulsi plant.


Pot size:

Seeds may be simply planted in an ordinary 8-inch circular pot.


Since seeds are small, they are not sown very deep. Seeds are covered with a 2-cm layer of dirt after planting.


If not cultivated by seed sowing, Tulsi saplings are simply accessible in any nearby nursery. Tulsi is the most popular plant in Indian nurseries.

Soil and Manure:

Tulsi demands aerated, permeable, well-drained soil with extra organic manure. Sticky, clay-like soil is not suitable for plant roots.


Tulsi may grow quite well under full sun as well as moderate sunlight.


The tulsi plant requires watering every day in summer and every other day in winter. Light watering in the form of rain is ideal; over-flooding of the pot is not suggested.

Tulsi Plant Care Tips:

Pinch off the developing tip of your Tulsi if you desire to create a bushy plant rather than a single stem.

Maintain removing the new flowering heads; don’t allow your plant to blossom early; and postpone the Tulsi flowering as long as you can to keep your plant green, leafy, and bushy.

Always keep the pot aerated by loosening the soil; don’t allow the dirt to get all compact and hard.

When cultivated in bad conditions, it could be attacked by several common pests, including mealy bugs, aphids, spider mites, and even whiteflies. For treating pests, use a neem-based organic pesticide or insecticidal soap.

Other sorts of Tulsi: Apart from normal Holy Basil, there are numerous more popular species of Tulsi.

Ram Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimu): large leaves, spicy scent, extremely therapeutic.

Karpur Tulsi (Ocimum kilimandscharicum): The plant smells like camphor. 

Lemon basil (Ocimum citriodorum): a plant with a strong aromatic lemon smell, used in cooking.

Even the king of plants, ‘Sweet Basil’ (Ocimum basilicum), is closely related to Tulsi.



How to maintain tulsi plant at home

Find the Perfect Place: Mimic Tulsi’s native environment. Choose a bright, warm place with at least 6–8 hours of direct sunshine every day. A balcony or windowsill facing east or north is great. Remember, Tulsi dislikes the cold, so protect it from frost and hard winds.

Pot it Right: Opt for a terracotta or earthenware pot with drainage holes. Plastic containers tend to retain moisture, leading to root rot. Choose a pot with appropriate space for development, providing roughly 2–3 inches between the plant and the pot’s edge.

Nourish Wisely: A well-draining, organic potting mix is vital. You may also construct your own by mixing equal parts garden soil, compost, and sand. Water deeply when the topsoil seems dry, but avoid overwatering, which will smother the roots.

Prune with love: Regular pruning fosters bushier growth and avoids blooming, which weakens the plant. Pinch off flower buds and prune excessive stems, producing fresh, healthy leaves. Remember, use clean instruments to avoid illnesses.

Feed the Goodness: Supplement your Tulsi’s food with organic fertilizers like cow dung manure or compost tea every 2-3 weeks during the growth season. Dilute the fertilizer appropriately to avoid scorching the roots.

Bonus Tip: Offer prayers and chants to your tulsi plant. Not only is it regarded as auspicious, but the positive energy can further boost its development and well-being.


Avoid: keeping Tulsi near sharp items, rubbish, or shoes.

Cleanliness: Regularly remove fallen leaves and debris around the pot to prevent pests and illnesses.

Love and Care: Like any living creature, your Tulsi thrives on attention. Observe its demands and adapt your treatment accordingly.

By following these easy methods, you may grow a healthy Tulsi plant that not only beautifies your house but also gives you blessings and well-being. So, start your journey now and experience the magic of Tulsi! Hope you enjoyed reading our post 5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Tulsi Plant at Home

Tulsi is certainly the most valuable yet free gift of nature to humanity.
Happy Gardening!

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