5 gorgeous tall indoor plants to amp up your space
5 gorgeous tall indoor plants to amp up your space
Tall indoor plants have a place in any house, whether they are utilized to fill empty corners or tall walls or just to create a big statement in a space. These plants can either be indoor trees or large plants at a particular degree of maturity. We’ve picked our top 5 tall indoor plants that we feel have a place in every home (5 gorgeous tall indoor plants to amp up your space)
Strelizia: Giant Bird of Paradise
Strelizia: Giant Bird of Paradise It is one of our favorites among all the indoor tall plants. This is the definition of a tropical-style plant. It’s very simple to grow and maintain. It grows swiftly and creates gorgeous unfolding leaves. It’s a wonderful plant to exhibit alone or to match up with other plants in a green section of your house.
Ficus Lyrata, fiddle leaf fig
Ficus Lyrata, fiddle leaf fig Fiddle Leaf Figs are marketed as little plants or as tall indoor plants.Fiddle Leaf Figs are easy to cultivate and maintain after you discover the appropriate site for them and tweak the watering routine. These plants obviously need a lot of strong light. Once mastered, they make a tremendous statement.
Rhapis Palm
Rhapis Palm Thrive in bright indirect light locations and don’t fare well in low-light environments! However, these plants may turn their foliage yellow if exposed to too much direct sun. Rhaphis palms are wonderful for bringing a tropical flare, and wow! impact on your decor!
Draceana Fragrantissima
Draceana Fragrantissima Dragon trees, or Dracaenas, are very easy to cultivate as tall indoor plants. They are particularly ideal for plant novices and highly busy people. These plants appreciate moderate-to-low light conditions. The full sun will scorch its leaves. Dracaenas are drought-resistant, so you don’t have to water them very often. This plant is a good air purifier, helping to eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, and trichloroethylene from the air.
Ficus elastica Burgandy
Ficus elastica Burgandy Rubber trees may be enjoyed as either medium-sized home plants or grown to become focal points and attractive interior trees. They may grow to remarkable heights within a few years. Which huge plant will you be acquiring this weekend? 🤔💚🌱 I recommend checking out: